Generate data from a high-dimensional model. After your
implementation is finished, you can come back here to experiment and see
how the algorithm’s performance depends on these values. (One
interesting experiment: reduce lambda
in rpois
to have a sparser beta
and see how the results change).
set.seed(1) # comment/uncomment/change this
n <- 100
p <- 400
X <- matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow = n)
beta <- rpois(p, lambda = 1.5)
SGD_starting_beta <- rnorm(p) # generate once
#beta <- sample(c(-1, 0, 0, 1), p, replace = TRUE)
sigma <- 2
y <- X %*% beta + rnorm(n, sd = sigma)
# sparsity level
sum(beta != 0)
## [1] 308
Question: Can we fit OLS to estimate beta? Why or why not?
Answer: No. Since there are more predictors than observations, i.e. \(p > n\), we cannot fit OLS. (The matrix \(X^TX\) is not invertible)
# Loss function
least_squares_loss <- function(x, y, beta) {
residuals <- y - x %*% beta
# Gradient of the loss function
least_squares_gradient <- function(x, y, beta) {
residuals <- y - x %*% beta
-2 * t(x) %*% residuals
Computing gradient on a subset of the sample:
batch_size <- 10
batch_indices <- sample(1:nrow(X), batch_size)
X_batch <- X[batch_indices, , drop = FALSE]
y_batch <- y[batch_indices]
gradient_batch <- least_squares_gradient(X_batch, y_batch, SGD_starting_beta)
## [1] 10 400
## [1] 10
## [1] 400 1
Modify the code below to complete your implementation.
In this implementation, normalize the gradient to make it a unit
vector before taking a step. Recall that if v
is vector,
then u <- v / sqrt(sum(v^2))
is a unit vector in the
direction of v
. (Optional: for numerical stability you
could also add a small positive number in the denominator like
epochs <- 40 # decrease for early stopping?
batch_size <- 8 # for batch SGD
gamma <- 0.9
beta_hat <- SGD_starting_beta # generated once above
#beta_hat <- rnorm(p) # random start
num_batches <- ceiling(n/batch_size)
steps <- epochs * num_batches
SGD_path <- data.frame(step = 1:steps,
epoch = numeric(steps),
gamma = numeric(steps),
loss = numeric(steps),
MSE = numeric(steps),
beta_hat_norm = numeric(steps),
gradient_norm = numeric(steps))
start_time <- Sys.time()
step <- 1
for (epoch in 1:epochs) {
# Pass over sample in a random order each time
shuffled_indices <- sample(1:n, n, replace = TRUE)
for (batch in 1:num_batches) {
batch_start <- 1 + batch_size * (batch - 1)
batch_end <- min(batch_size * batch, nrow(X))
batch_indices <- shuffled_indices[batch_start:batch_end]
# Mini-batch
X_batch <- X[batch_indices, , drop = FALSE]
y_batch <- y[batch_indices]
# Update beta_hat
gradient_batch <- least_squares_gradient(X_batch, y_batch, beta_hat)
gradient_norm <- sqrt(sum(gradient_batch^2))
beta_hat <- beta_hat - gamma^epoch * gradient_batch / (1e-8 + gradient_norm)
LS_loss <- least_squares_loss(X, y, beta_hat)
# Store algorithm path information
SGD_path[step, ] <- c(step,
mean((beta_hat - beta)^2),
step <- step + 1
print(Sys.time() - start_time)
## Time difference of 0.1787379 secs
(Averaged over all batches in that epoch)
Note: the loss
is plotted on a logarithmic scale so that
large initial changes don’t obscure later variation.
Question: Does the MSE of beta_hat level off? After
roughly how many epochs? Is this happening because gamma
decreased too fast?
Answer: Yes, in this example after roughly 20
epochs, and no because the gamma
value is still over 0.1
(has not yet become numerically very close to zero).
Has the algorithm pulled more of the squared errors closer to zero compared to the (random) initial starting point?
Compute the (Euclidean) distances between the following points:
# From algorithm starting point to end point
sqrt(sum((beta_hat - SGD_starting_beta)^2))
## [1] 21.06934
# From starting point to true beta
sqrt(sum((beta - SGD_starting_beta)^2))
## [1] 43.28581
# From end point to true beta
sqrt(sum((beta - beta_hat)^2))
## [1] 37.63315
Question: Does SGD do better than a random guess (the starting point) at estimating the true coefficients?
Answer: Yes, after taking some steps the algorithm has reduced the MSE of estimating the true beta.