Simulate data with one predictor, one outcome, a true conditional expectation given by some non-linear function, and normal errors.
# e.g.
set.seed(1) # remove/change
f <- function(x) 2 * (x^3 + 1) * sin(pi * x)
n <- 400
noise_variance <- 0.5^2
data_full <- data.frame(
x = runif(n, min = -1, max = 1)
) |>
true_CEF = f(x),
y = true_CEF + rnorm(n, sd = sqrt(noise_variance))
ggplot(data_full, aes(x,y)) +
geom_point(alpha = .6) +
stat_function(fun = f, size = 1)
Use some fraction of the sample (e.g. 2/3 or 8/10) as training data
and the remainder as validation data. (Hint:
sample(1:n, replace = FALSE)
and look up
Note: we need some way to deal with the fact that loess
cannot predict
outside the range of the training data. One
imperfect solution is to remove any points from the test data that fall
outside the range. Another is to remove NA
values when
predicting, i.e. computing MSE using
mean(..., na.rm = TRUE)
. I use filter()
to do this.
prop_train <- 8/10
n <- nrow(data_full)
train <- sample(1:n, floor(prop_train*n), replace = FALSE)
test <- setdiff(1:n, train)
data_train <- data_full[train, ]
data_test <- data_full[test, ] |>
filter(x <= max(data_train$x), x >= min(data_train$x))
c(nrow(data_train), nrow(data_test))
## [1] 320 80
Fit non-linear regression models on the training data using several different values of the complexity/smoothness parameter
model1 <- loess(y ~ x, span = .9, data = data_train)
model2 <- loess(y ~ x, span = .7, data = data_train)
model3 <- loess(y ~ x, span = .5, data = data_train)
model4 <- loess(y ~ x, span = .3, data = data_train)
spans <- c(seq(from = .1, to = .9, by = .1), .95)
models <- map(spans, function(s)
loess(y ~ x, span = s, data = data_train)
Compute the prediction error (MSE) on the training data and test data and compare these at each value of the complexity parameter.
MSE_train <- c(
MSE_test <- c(
mean((predict(model1, newdata = data_test) - data_test$y)^2),
mean((predict(model2, newdata = data_test) - data_test$y)^2),
mean((predict(model3, newdata = data_test) - data_test$y)^2),
mean((predict(model4, newdata = data_test) - data_test$y)^2)
MSEs <- cbind(MSE_train, MSE_test)
rownames(MSEs) <- c(.9, .7, .5, .3)
## MSE_train MSE_test
## 0.9 0.3152103 0.4023180
## 0.7 0.2628378 0.3593220
## 0.5 0.2553749 0.3500151
## 0.3 0.2509596 0.3431282
all_MSEs <- map_dfr(models, function(m) {
data.frame(train = mean(residuals(m)^2),
test = mean((predict(m, newdata = data_test) - data_test$y)^2))
}) |>
mutate(span = spans)
all_MSEs |>
pivot_longer(!span, names_to = "type", values_to = "MSE") |>
ggplot(aes(span, MSE, linetype = type)) + geom_line()
Question: What do you notice about the comparison?
Usually the test error is larger than the training error
Question: Which value of the complexity parameter has the lowest validation error?
Roughly .3 for this data
Generate new test data that has a different distribution from the original data.
Question: How many different ways can you think of to change the distribution of the new data?
Change distribution of x
, change true CEF
, change distribution of errors.
data_OOD <- data.frame(
x = runif(n, min = -1, max = 1)
) |>
true_CEF = f(x) ,#- .6 * sin(pi * x),
y = true_CEF + rnorm(n, sd = 1.2 * sqrt(noise_variance))
) |>
filter(x <= max(data_train$x), x >= min(data_train$x))
Compute MSE on new OOD data
map_dfr(models, function(m) {
data.frame(OOD = mean((predict(m, newdata = data_OOD) - data_OOD$y)^2))
}) |>
cbind(all_MSEs) |>
pivot_longer(!span, names_to = "type", values_to = "MSE") |>
ggplot(aes(span, MSE, linetype = type)) + geom_line()
Question: Can you make the MSE on new data
systematically higher? How about lower?
Yes to both, changing the distribution by, for example, decreasing/increasing the variance of the noise (and keeping everything else the same).
Question: Does the complexity level that minimizes test error also minimize the OOD test error?
No, not in general (unless the new distribution is close enough to the original one). It’s possible for a model with low test error to have high error on OOD data.
Now repeat the previous steps in this new data generation and model fitting context. Start by copy/pasting code from a previous notebook.
Simulate data from a linear model.
set.seed(1) # comment/uncomment/change this
n <- 200
p <- 400
X <- matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow = n)
beta <- rpois(p, lambda = 1.5)
SGD_starting_beta <- rnorm(p) # generate once
#beta <- sample(c(-1, 0, 0, 1), p, replace = TRUE)
sigma <- 2
y <- X %*% beta + rnorm(n, sd = sigma)
# sparsity level
sum(beta != 0)
## [1] 305
prop_train <- 7/10
n <- nrow(X)
train <- sample(1:n, floor(prop_train*n), replace = FALSE)
test <- setdiff(1:n, train)
X_train <- X[train, ]
X_test <- X[test, ]
y_train <- y[train]
y_test <- y[test]
Fit linear regression models using SGD on the training data, with more than one epoch.
Starting from the SGD implementation in the notebook linked above, be
careful to change X
, y
, and n
something like X_train
, y_train
, and
. You should also update SGD_path
to track the test loss.
Finally, be sure to change the least_squares_loss
function to use mean
instead of sum
so that
the result doesn’t depend on the sizes of the training/test data.
# Loss function
least_squares_loss <- function(x, y, beta) {
residuals <- y - x %*% beta
# Gradient of the loss function
least_squares_gradient <- function(x, y, beta) {
residuals <- y - x %*% beta
-2 * t(x) %*% residuals
# SGD setup
epochs <- 50
batch_size <- 20 # for batch SGD
gamma <- 0.9
beta_hat <- SGD_starting_beta # generated once above
#beta_hat <- rnorm(p) # random start
num_batches <- ceiling(nrow(X_train)/batch_size)
steps <- epochs * num_batches
SGD_path <- data.frame(step = 1:steps,
epoch = numeric(steps),
gamma = numeric(steps),
train_loss = numeric(steps),
test_loss = numeric(steps),
MSE = numeric(steps),
beta_hat_norm = numeric(steps),
gradient_norm = numeric(steps))
# Main SGD loop
start_time <- Sys.time()
step <- 1
for (epoch in 1:epochs) {
# Pass over sample in a random order each time
shuffled_indices <- sample(1:nrow(X_train), nrow(X_train), replace = TRUE)
for (batch in 1:num_batches) {
batch_start <- 1 + batch_size * (batch - 1)
batch_end <- min(batch_size * batch, nrow(X_train))
batch_indices <- shuffled_indices[batch_start:batch_end]
# Mini-batch
X_batch <- X_train[batch_indices, , drop = FALSE]
y_batch <- y_train[batch_indices]
# Update beta_hat
gradient_batch <- least_squares_gradient(X_batch, y_batch, beta_hat)
gradient_norm <- sqrt(sum(gradient_batch^2))
beta_hat <- beta_hat - gamma^epoch * gradient_batch / (1e-8 + gradient_norm)
train_loss <- least_squares_loss(X_train, y_train, beta_hat)
test_loss <- least_squares_loss(X_test, y_test, beta_hat)
# Store algorithm path information
SGD_path[step, ] <- c(step,
mean((beta_hat - beta)^2),
step <- step + 1
print(Sys.time() - start_time)
## Time difference of 0.308048 secs
Use the current estimate at the end of each epoch to compute the prediction error (MSE) on the training data and test data and compare them.
Question: Do you observe any relationships between training error, test error, and MSE?
Test error tends to decrease slower than training error and practically stops decreasing before training error does the same. The shape of the MSE curve might be somewhere between: it seems to keep decreasing after test error has stopped, and then to stop decreasing before training error.
Generate new test data with a slightly different distribution.
# Can also change dist. of X
X_OOD <- matrix(rnorm(n*p, sd = 1), nrow = n)
#beta_OOD <- beta
beta_OOD <- beta + rnorm(p, sd = .1)
# Set small coefficients to zero
#beta_OOD[which(abs(beta) <= 1)] <- 0
# Make some small coefficients larger
#beta_OOD[which(abs(beta) <= 1)] <- 2 * beta_OOD[which(abs(beta) <= 1)]
# noise sd reduced
y_OOD <- X_OOD %*% beta_OOD + rnorm(n, sd = 1.0 * sigma)
Copy/paste the previous SGD implementation and modify it to also compute the OOD loss.
## Time difference of 0.8723919 secs
Plot the results